How do you sell the water melons? 这些西瓜怎么卖?
How much do you charge for the bunch of flowers? 这束花你要卖多少钱?
How much do you ask for it? 这个你要卖多少钱?
How much does the bill come to? 这帐单一共多少钱?
What's the price of the apples? 这苹果的价格是多少?
It comes to 65 yuan, sir. 先生,一共65元。
It sells at 2.5 pounds a bottle. 这卖2.5英镑一瓶。
It's priced at 100 dollars. 这个定价为100美元。
It's sold by the yard. 这是按码出售的。
The price depends on the quality. 按质论价。
Can you come down a bit?
Can you sell it for 3 pounds? 3英镑你卖吗?
That's a bit more than I wanted to pay. 这比我想出的价钱高了一点。
The price is not reasonable. 这价格不公道。
I'll mett you half way. 我让一半。
It's a real bargain. 这是真正的便宜货。
It's our standard price. 这是我们的标准价格。
How much would you like it to be? 您想出多少钱?
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