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  • 2000年6月北京成人公共英语三级考试真题及答案(词汇语法)

    来源:自考生学位网_xuewei.zikaosw.cn 时间:2019-12-09 11:15:14 编辑:兔子



    College English Test


    Part I Vocabulary and Structure (40 %)

    Directions In this part there are 40 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

    21. Mary regretted ____ to John's birthday party last Sunday.

    A. not going B. not to go

    C. not having been going D. not to be going

    22. The famous novel is said _____ into Chinese.

    A. to have translated

    C. to have been translated

    23. Standing on the bank, the children watched the ship _____with all of goods.

    A. loading B. being loaded

    C. to be loaded D. having loaded

    24. I ____ writing the article by the time you get back.

    A. shall finish B. must have finished

    C. have finished D. shall have finished

    25. Mary never tells anyone what she does for a ____.

    A. job B. work

    C. profession D. living

    26. I' m sorry I couldn't get in touch with him before he left, I ___him earlier.

    A. had a telephone B. have phoned

    C. should have phoned D. should be phoned

    27.With the old man ____ way, we had no trouble in finding that the mysterious cave.

    A. leading B. led

    C. lead D. to be led

    28. ____ anything about the accident, he went to work as well.

    A. Not know B. Know not

    C. Knowing not D. Not knowing more attractive

    29. Nowhere else in the world ___ more attractive scenery than in Switzerland.

    A. you can find B. is found

    C. can you find D. has been found

    30. The voters told the politician that he could____ on their support in the next general elections.

    A. expect B. decide

    C. count D. doubt

    31. An old friend from abroad, ____ I was expecting to stay with, telephoned me from the airport.

    A. that B. whom

    C. who D. which

    32. Peter wishes that he _____law instead of literature when he was in college.

    A. could study B. studied

    C. had studied D. would study

    33. When she heard the bad news, she _____ completely.

    A. broke away B. broke up

    C. broke down D. broke out

    34. He ___ a large fortune from his business.

    A. made B. won

    C. expected D. gained

    35. He never wrote to his father ____ he was in need of money.

    A. except B. except when

    C. except for D. except that

    36. He looked behind him to ____ he was not being followed.

    A. believe B. find

    C. make sure D. look

    37. The car was repaired but not quite to my ____

    A. joy B. pleasure

    C. attraction D. satisfaction

    38. Are you ____ spending more money on the space program?

    A. in favor of B. by favor of

    C. in favor to D. out of favor

    39. Fortunately, the demonstration ____ to be quite peaceful.

    A. turned in B. turned out

    C. showed off D. showed up

    40. ____ was unimportant.

    A. Whether he enjoyed our dinner or not

    B. No matter how he enjoyed our dinner

    C. If he enjoyed our dinner

    D. What he enjoyed our dinner

    41. Selfish people often take ____of other people's kindness.

    A. advantage B. care

    C. use D. profit

    42. His business is growing so fast that he must____ more workers.

    A. take up B. take on

    C. take over D. take out

    43.It is desirable that he_____.

    A. gives up trying B. give up trying

    C. would give up trying D. is going to give up trying

    44. Young____ he is, he knows what is the right thing to do.

    A. that B as

    C. although D. however

    45. This is one of the best books _____on the subject.

    A. that have ever been written

    B. which have ever been written

    C. that has ever been written

    D. whatever have been written

    46. We were not surprised at ____, for he had worked so hard.

    A. what has he achieved

    B. that what he had achieved

    C. what he had achieved

    D. that he had achieved

    47. My room is a mess. It needs ____

    A. to be tidying up

    B. tidying up

    C. to tidy up

    D. tidied up

    48. A great celebration is going to be held ____ the distinguished writer.

    A. in spite of

    B. in honor of

    C. in favor of

    D. in the name of

    49. All the members in the jury agreed that the man was ____ of theft.

    A. criminal

    B. charged

    C. guilty

    D. faulty

    50. Having finished the letter, he ____ it carefully and sealed the envelop with a kiss.

    A. folded B. bent

    C. turned D. equipped

    51. The police were given an order that the stolen documents must be recovered at all _____.

    A. accounts B. conditions

    C. payments D. costs

    52. This new instrument is far superior _____ the old one we bought three years ago.

    A. than B. to

    C. over D. of

    53. Not until I reminded him for the third time ____working and looked up.

    A. that he stopped B. does he stopped

    C. did he stop D. that he stopped

    54.I am very sorry for ____ for so long.

    A. keep you waiting B. having kept you waiting

    C. waiting for you D. keep you wait

    55. No sooner had they got off the train____ it started moving.

    A. when B. than

    C. then D. after

    56. The teacher has his students ____ a composition every other week.

    A. to write B. written

    C. writing D. write

    57. When and where the new hospital will be built _____a mystery.

    A. to remain B. remains

    C. remain D. is remaining

    58. The middle-aged man was seen _____ out of the house on the afternoon of the murder.

    A. came B. come

    C. to come D. have come

    59. The premier and the visiting foreign minister had a talk in _____ friendly atmosphere.

    A. a most B. most

    C. very D. the very

    60. My next door neighbor Johnson seems to have _____ opinion on the show last night.

    A. rather the strong

    B. rather strong

    C. a rather strong

    D. the rather strong



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